Master of Business Administration

Master of Business Administration (MBA) 在威尼斯赌场网站 福克斯商学院 is designed for students looking to drive change—in their careers, their companies and their areas of expertise. 

MBA课程侧重于跨行业和职位相关的关键管理原则. 的se principles include communication, 领导, 资源管理, 战略规划, finance management and business ethics. 根据工作经验, professional interest and schedule, 你可以从四个灵活的工商管理MBA选项中进行选择,所有这些选项都提供启动或推进你的商业生涯所需的证书.


福克斯商学院知道,没有两个学生——或者职业轨迹——是相同的. 为全日制学生和忙碌的专业人士设计了全新的综合课程, 福克斯提供

  • real-world learning opportunities;
  • personalized service and mentorship; and
  • 可翻译的价值.

Whether online or at one of Temple’s regional campuses, 福克斯MBA学生沉浸在协作学习和专业环境中. 小班授课提供了与同学和经验丰富的人密切合作的机会, internationally recognized faculty. Unique programming also allows interaction with industry experts.

MBA课程允许学生建立可直接翻译的技能,并开发有价值的网络,这些网络可以带进他们的职业生涯. 的 programs offer schedule-friendly class times and online components. 学生们也享受着上城市大学带来的便利, 拥有充足的公共交通,靠近行业领先的公司或在费城设有办事处.

毕业后, 学生们有机会进入一个由320多名校友组成的广泛而相互联系的网络,000, 位于费城, across the country and around the world.


的re are four options available f或者是 工商管理MBA, 因此,您可以选择最适合您的专业和个人需求的课程. 你可以选择 全日制MBA课程, 兼职MBA, 在线MBA 或者是 行政工商管理硕士.

A Fox student converses with representatives of a local company.



  • 业务分析

    Propel your career as a data scientist by learning to analyze raw data, transform it into valuable insights, and use those insights to better inform business decisions. 市场驱动和可定制的课程使您能够追求适合您的专业发展计划的路径. 课程 to complete this concentration are available on campus only. 

  • 金融

    完成金融专业的学生将获得资产定价方面的专业知识, 银行及企业融资, 与福克斯的教职员工合作撰写研究文章和研究报告. 该课程为您在领先的研究机构的蓬勃发展的职业生涯做好准备. 课程 to complete this concentration are available on campus and online.

  • 人力资源管理

    获得必要的技能和经验,成为一个成功的人力资源专业人士, 具备招聘能力, maintaining and training talent for businesses across different industries, and enhancing companies’ reputation, 生产力和利润. 课程 to complete this concentration are available on campus and online. 

  • 信息rmation Systems and Digital Innovation

    发现数据驱动的决策、创新和战略性社交媒体利用的力量. 培养批判性思维, and quantitative and technical skills by learning to harness data insights, 开发尖端的解决方案,掌握数字参与的艺术,在当今竞争激烈的商业环境中茁壮成长. 课程 to complete this concentration are available on campus and online. 

  • 信息rmation Technology Management

    获得识别的专业知识, 评估和控制网络安全风险-确保遵守法规并保护组织信息完整性. Designed for students in Fox’s STEM MBA program, 通过掌握信息保障的内部流程设计和构建网络安全措施,您将为各个部门的关键角色做好准备,这些措施将帮助组织在全球经济中茁壮成长. 课程 to complete this concentration are available on campus and online. 

  • Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship

    Transform your innovative ideas into groundbreaking products and services. Through this 12-credit concentration, 您将提高解决问题的能力,以克服推动有远见的变革的战略和战术挑战, tap into uncontested market spaces, and reinvent internal processes to create competitive advantage. 课程 to complete this concentration are available on campus and online. 

  • 营销管理

    Become an expert in marketing research, 战略与管理, 通过全面的学术规划,涵盖从品牌发展和预算到市场分析和战略沟通的所有内容. 课程 to complete this concentration are available on campus and online. 

  • 体育商业

    分析历史, 目前的趋势, problems and policies of the sports business, 并发展必要的知识和技能,建立一个成功的职业生涯在一个令人兴奋的, 不断变化的行业. 课程 to complete this concentration are available online only. 

  • 战略管理

    With interdisciplinary coursework combining principles of entrepreneurship, 创新, international business and consulting, students learn to think critically and creatively, and to develop effective business strategies. 课程 to complete this concentration are available on campus and online. 



Picture of 福克斯24频道,Olufunsho Ayo

福克斯24频道,Olufunsho Ayo

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

“的 MBA program at Temple has been an outstanding investment in my future. 的知识, 我获得的经验和人脉是无价的,这个项目非常注重体验式学习,这使它有别于其他项目.”

类 & 课程

In addition to core and elective courses, students may be required to complete a capstone course or project. 要求将根据四个MBA选项中的哪一个而有所不同, but listed below are a selection of courses available to students.

  • Business Strategy in a Global Environment
  • 企业风险管理
  • Entrepreneurial Thinking and Innovation
  • Financial Analysis and Strategy
  • 全球化
  • 组织中的领导力
  • 风险管理
  • Socioeconomic Context of Business

Explore more information about 工商管理MBA courses.



学费 & 费用

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access and affordability, 这个工商管理硕士课程提供有竞争力的学费水平,并有多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, 和更多的. 的se tuition costs apply to the 2023–2024 academic year.

宾夕法尼亚州居民: $1,250.每学分00美元
州外: $1,250.每学分00美元

你可以看到完整的 Cost of Attendance breakdown on the Student Financial Services website.