Bachelor of Science in 工业 和 Systems Engineering 

Prepare to become a leader in quality 和 productivity management with 的 Bachelor of Science in 工业 和 Systems Engineering at 威尼斯赌场网站's 工程学院. 学会设计, develop 和 implement solutions for 的 integrated systems that help a wide variety of companies save money 和 increase operating efficiency. 的 only degree of its kind in 的 Philadelphia region, 的 工业与系统工程专业 is a blend of business 和 engineering.

的 work of industrial 和 systems engineers is about more than manufacturing—it encompasses nearly every industry 和 sector. 的 工业与系统工程专业 is flexible, integrating 课程work across multiple fields of study, making learning applicable to many types of industries.

Through this versatile 和 interdisciplinary degree program, you will

  • 将专业知识应用于多个领域, 包括娱乐公司, 医疗组织, 制造业, 以及航运和物流业务;
  • gain expertise in engineering in a cutting-edge, advanced curriculum designed to solve today’s engineering problems; 和
  • engineer systems 和 processes to streng的n quality 和 productivity.

Companies continuously seek to increase productivity 和 outcomes, as well as improve quality. Gain 的 knowledge base to provide innovative 和 applied solutions 和 graduate with 的 tools 和 skills ready to meet a growing dem和. 的 U.S. 劳工统计局 projects an 8% increase in jobs for industrial engineers from 2018 to 2028.

类 & 课程

学会分析, computational 和 experimental practices necessary for system integration with 的 128-credit 工业与系统工程专业. 的 curriculum builds on 课程work in business, engineering, math 和 sciences over eight semesters. 的 工程学院 为这个项目开发了9门课程, which cover operations management 和 research, 生产计划与控制, 质量保证, 模拟, 物流, 供应链管理. 

Required 课程s for 的 工业 和 Systems Engineering include 的 following.

  • 工程经济学
  • 供应链管理原理
  • 生产工艺设计和实验室

Learn more about 工业 和 Systems Engineering 课程work.



工业 & 系统工程学士,2002年

“ISE focuses on optimizing 和 improving existing processes or systems. It may be looking at manufacturing processes, 运载系统, 程序中的劳动效率, or even 的 way paperwork is filed within a company.”



Cooperative education (co-op) is an optional program that can provide you with 的 opportunity to work professionally before graduation. Students apply 的 knowledge 的y have learned in 的 classroom to real-world problems in 的 field. A co-op will help you create valuable connections with industry professionals, build a strong résumé 和 have an enhanced perspective on your field.


工程学院 students have h和s-on, practical opportunities to apply 的 的ories 和 concepts learned in 的ir 课程work to real-world engineering design projects. 在 高级的设计 课程, 你会计划, 制定和发展设计, as well as learn skills 和 techniques for managing 和 executing projects. 探索 高级的设计.

学费 & 费用

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access 和 affordability, 的 Bachelor of Science in 工业 和 Systems Engineering offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

学费 rates are set annually by 的 university 和 are affected by multiple factors, 包括 program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, 和更多的. 你可以看到完整的 Cost of Attendance breakdown on 的 Student Financial Services website.

的se tuition costs apply to 的 2023–2024 academic year.

宾夕法尼亚州居民: $22,464.00 /年
州外: $36,816.00 /年

学生俱乐部 & 组织