
药品标识、广告和促销证书 in the 药学院 at 威尼斯赌场网站 focuses specifically on the complex regulations associated with federal and global regulations governing labeling, 广告和促销. 这个证书是学校颁发的 法规事务(RA)和质量保证(QA)研究生课程 程序,并可在网上获得. 获得此证书不需要硕士学位.

在制药行业, labeling refers to more than a prescription label or a cardboard container enclosing prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) products. 标签也指处方信息(PI), 哪一个是详细复杂的产品参考表, often folded in multiple accordion pleats and included with prescription or OTC products. 在美国.S.,每个PI都由美国管理.S. 联邦法规, 标题21, 部分200, 哪条规定产品的每一个方面都要用书面形式描述. 这包括以下内容. 

  • 药物剂型及其物理性质的说明  

  • 有效成分和赋形剂的清单 

  • 每种化合物的分子结构

  • 药物的药代动力学和毒理学 

  • 目标患者人群  

  • 潜在的副作用和安全问题

  • 独特的存储要求 

的 PI must accompany any print ads about prescription drugs that appear in journals and magazines. 附于每个广告, PI必须是唯一编码, since the company is required to keep accurate records of where the ad appeared. 

联邦法规还规定了处方产品的广告方式. 每年, pharmaceutical companies spend billions nationally on direct-to-consumer TV ads, 是什么让许多产品家喻户晓. 的 complexity of creating these ad campaigns while complying with federal regulations continues to be a challenging task that combines industry knowledge, 监管专业知识和市场营销. Advertising companies alone cannot create the ads; regulatory professionals must be included. 除了直接面向消费者的广告, 关于医药产品的网站呈指数增长, 尤其是那些专注于一种产品的公司, 作为“患者参考页面”.” In some cases, innovator companies even sell products directly to consumers from websites.  

Countries often have unique regulatory requirements for labeling and advertising. 例如, some require labels to display the price of a product the day it was granted approval by the governing regulatory authority. In other cases, product cartons must be designed to clearly display that pricing.  

As the types and global reach of product advertising continue to expand—thereby crossing the boundaries of regulatory authorities and patient populations—the need for more global regulatory oversight is increasing. 招聘公司的招聘人员经常给坦普尔的RA和QA办公室打电话, seeking candidates with a demonstrated knowledge of the regulations governing advertising and labeling.  

药品标识证书, Advertising and Promotions provides students with credentials from Temple’s well respected RA和QA graduate program, giving them a solid grounding in the key federal and global regulations that affect the advertising and labeling of pharmaceutical products. 证书对双方都有效 硕士申请者和硕士毕业生有了这个新证书,他们可以扩大自己的职业机会. 


Upon completion of the Labeling, 广告及促销 Certificate, students will be able to  

  • 理解你.S. 以及全球监管和行业要求的创造, 更新或维护产品标签;  

  • 解释药品市场的性质和国会的作用, 法院和食品和药物管理局在标签上, 广告和促销活动;  

  • evaluate specific advertising and promotion communications for regulatory compliance; and

  • identify the latest trends and issues posed by internet advertisements and product websites. 


Students have the option to complete a post-master’s curriculum in pharmaceutical labeling, 广告和促销. 申请这个12学分的课程, applicants must hold a master’s degree in a pharmacy-related field and a bachelor of science degree in bio化学, 生物学, 化学, 物理或与健康相关的学科. 另外, applicants who did not earn their master’s degree from 威尼斯赌场网站’s 药学院 must have sufficient industry experience and familiarity with the basic tenets of regulatory affairs and quality assurance to pursue the post-master’s certificate.

Learn more about the Post-master’s 研究生 Certificate in Pharmaceutical Labeling, 广告及促销.


50多年来,威尼斯赌场网站 药学院 提供了优秀的研究生课程 RA和QA


  • 1968年开创了RA和QA研究生教育, offered the first RA和QA online degree program and offers the most comprehensive RA和QA curriculum;   

  • 拥有来自工业界和美国的优秀专家教师.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), assuring the latest developments and practices are taught; 

  • 吸引了来自生物制药的学生, 医疗设备, 医药及相关行业(化妆品), 食品和保健); 

  • schedules live courses with interactive discussions and workshops on evenings and weekends; 

  • has hundreds of students from across the country, facilitating great networking opportunities; and 

  • 为学生提供个性化服务.    

Certificates provide credentials from Temple’s well-respected RA和QA graduate program, 哪些可以适用于RA和QA硕士学位. 

程序的格式 & 课程

的 药品标识、广告和促销证书 may be earned on its own or on the way to the 在RA和QA部门担任硕士.  

要获得证书, the following four courses must be completed within a three-year period with an overall B (3.0)平均.  

  • 食品及药物法(5592)  

  • 产品标签和广告要求(5533)  

  • 全球标签法规:原则和实践(5532)  

  • 广告及标签规例(5611)  

学生应该参加 食品及药物法 在攻读证书的其他课程之前. 有人建议 产品标签和广告要求 下一个完成. 其余课程可按任何顺序修习.  

All courses must be completed from 威尼斯赌场网站’s RA和QA graduate program. 不接受其他院校的转学分. 如果学生已经在美国认可的大学完成了相同的课程.S. 研究生院, the student may petition the RA和QA program to waive that course and take another approved elective in its place. This request must be made in writing and approved before the student pursues the certificate. 

Learn more about the 药品标识、广告和促销证书



  • 考生必须在完成课程后正式申请,并遵循 申请程序 (申请表格、成绩单影印本及完成通知书).

  • 在学生获得硕士学位之前,只能完成一个证书课程.

  • 证书必须在三年内完成. Students must apply for the certificate no more than one year after completing the course requirements. 

  • Students interested in pursuing the RA和QA MS degree may apply all credits earned in the Pharmaceutical Labeling, 获得研究生学位所需的广告和促销证书, provided they formally apply for admission to the MS program and are accepted by 威尼斯赌场网站’s 研究生院



学费 & 费用

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, this program offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

学费是一样的, 课程是否在线, 校园, part of a certificate program or part of another master’s program at the 药学院.

宾夕法尼亚居民的课程: $3,393
非居民每门课: $4,218

学费 rates at 威尼斯赌场网站 are set annually by the university and are affected by multiple factors, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, 和更多的.

你可以看到完整的 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.


威尼斯赌场网站的院系和专业都获得了美国威尼斯赌场网站协会的认证 中部州高等教育委员会.

