Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies

培养对全球变化的广泛而复杂的理解, cultures and perspectives with the Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies program in Temple University’s College of Liberal Arts. This rigorous, interdisciplinary, 123学分的本科课程通过强调全球文化为学生准备国际劳动力, global economy and global security. 

全球研究专业来自十多个研究领域, 它优先考虑外语学习的坚实基础, with opportunities for you to intern and study abroad. 学生必须完成外语的四个等级, 让他们在追求全球职业时具有竞争优势. 

Through the Global Studies  curriculum, 学会分析国际问题,有效沟通思想. Study the complex global issues shaping our world, 使用各种人文和社会科学学科的工具. 毕业生为追求国际职业做好了充分准备, and collaborate across and within foreign countries.


所有的学生在全球研究专业宣布在全球文化的浓度, Global Economy or Global Security.

  • Global Cultures

    从19世纪的欧洲帝国主义考察全球和地方文化的相互作用, 通过20世纪美国化的传播, to the digital world of the 21st century. 这种集中借鉴课程从广泛的选项在人类学列表, film, history, literature, religion and sociology.

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  • Global Economy

    考察各国在管理全球经济方面合作的演变, and the role of history, politics and technology in shaping international, national and local relations.

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  • Global Security

    Access dozens of courses from multiple disciplines, including anthropology, criminal justice, geography, history and political science, in order to understand the causes of war, 在不断变化的全球环境中,各国的安全战略以及新的和具有挑战性的安全威胁的崛起.

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  • Latin American Studies

    采用跨学科的方法来学习政治, economics, 拉丁美洲和加勒比地区的文化和社会. 探索学科的主题问题,如人类学, art, history, political science, Spanish and Portuguese, 以及以拉丁美洲为中心的传播学研究. 


Classes & Curriculum


  • Introduction to Global Studies
  • Global Connections
  • International Politics
  • Macroeconomic Principles

必修课和选修课会有所不同,这取决于你选择的专业. 该计划以研究为基础和写作密集的顶点研讨会告终.

Learn more about Global Studies Major courses.

Related Graduate Degrees

Certificate Programs

The College of Liberal Arts has 22 undergraduate certificate programs 让你扩展你的知识,使你的教育多元化. Certificates can complement bachelor's programs, 让你专注于一个领域,并突出你对专业以外学科的接触.

Tuition & Fees

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, 文学学士学位提供具有竞争力的学费水平,并有多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more. You can view the full 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.


Pennsylvania resident: $17,976.00 per year
Out-of-state: $32,376.00 per year